Our Mission: Empowering Victims of Domestic Violence

Kiran's mission is to end the cycle of abuse and to serve and empower South Asian victims of domestic violence in North Carolina by providing culturally specific services and comprehensive economic, social and community resources.
Kiran means 'ray of light' in Hindi. We aim to illuminate, guide and instil hope in the lives of South Asian domestic violence victims all across North Carolina.
We want to bring a change in the way South Asian Community views and responds to domestic and sexual violence by educating the community on understanding diversity, violence prevention, empowerment, promoting healthy and non-violent relationships, commitment to social change, professionalism and equity.
Our Impact
Cases managed last year0+
Crisis/client calls last year0+
Training events with over 1500 attendeesAnnual Report
1 (877) NC-KIRAN | 24-hour confidential assistance